Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Fun

Lyv & I on a ride at the fair
With summer under way now, there are some fun things I'm looking forward to doing.  Like camping with my family and gymnastics camp.  Swimming, sleepovers, the fair and going fossil collecting with Gramps!

Lyv & I with some of the fossils

Gramps, (my Dad's father) took Lyvia and I fossiling a couple of summers ago and we have wanted to go again ever since.  We made a day of it. After collecting some great fossils, we had a picnic lunch and later we went swimming to cool off, it was about the hottest day of that summer!

Then Gramps took us out for supper at McDonalds, we stayed a long time enjoying the air conditioning and the funhouse!  We were exhausted and so was Gramps but what a great time.

note: if you would like to see some of the fossils we collected, my Nanny created some Art Journal pages using a few of the smaller images. You can find 'Imprint' on her blog.

Friday, June 24, 2011

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, june.24th.2011 was the last day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was hard to leave my teacher even though i'll see her again next year!
My teacher for grade 5 is Mrs.Green! 
My best friend Destiny.A is the person i'll miss the most though!We are like sisters! 
We even are the same in a couple ways
1: We both like to swim!
2:We both like dogs.
3:We both like having friends over to our houses! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Today I went to the  movie theaters and watched Judy moody and the not bummer summer!
It was a really good movie!
It would be a good movie to go see with your family!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Having fun at nanny's house after painting my latest painting for my WONDERFUL teacher Mrs.Webb-Scsheers  who also has a blog! I always do a couple of videos or take pictures on photo booth! I decided to show you what the REAL me does with her spare time! 

so put on your 3D glasses and take a look.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Every Day Abstract

It's been awhile since I've posted, sorry about that, it's been a busy few weeks.  We have been training hard for our year end gymnastic show and just for fun, Rock & Roll Cup competition last weekend so I've not had much time for anything else!

We had a great time and our club won the Rock & Roll Cup, yea team!  I won some metals and even my little sister, Lyvia won a gold for her floor routine.  Once it was all over, we had a sleep over, the whole team and boy was it fun!  Thanks Jayne we appreciate all you do for us!

What I really wanted to share with you is something I wrote for my Grandmother, Brenda, but I call her Nanny.  She was pleased when I gave it to her and she got all teary eyed, nice to know that something I wrote can make people feel special :-)

Every Day Abstract!

This story is dedicated to my dads mom 
Brenda (nanny wick) for all that you do for
Me and others and mostly helping me find the
Talent that God has chosen for me.  I appreciate it!

Hi!  My name is Grace Thebeau and there is a beautiful talent that runs in my dads side of the family.  Guess who the talent has spread onto now?  Meeeeeeee!  I bet your dying to know what that talent is and I’m sorry for not telling you earlier!  My dads side of the family has the talent of doing Beautiful abstract art!  So far I’ve painted 2 abstract pictures!

Nanny Wick has painted hundreds of paintings and sold them.  She sold one of them to help me and my family raise enough money for me to go to the New Brunswick Gymnastics Competition this year.

In my family there has always been and always will be every day abstract!