Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Fun Continues

Went to the fair a few Saturdays ago, stayed most the day and into the evening to watch the fireworks.  It was a lot of fun, but it sure was a hot day!  The rides were excellent, got to go on a lot of them several times.  Lots more pictures on my Facebook page of the fair and fireworks.

Spending lots of time at my Aunt and Uncles pool, they're the best for letting us enjoy their pool!

Went on a back to school shopping trip last Saturday, we now have everything we need!

Coming up, going hiking at Fundy National Park with my Gramps and Aunt Olivia.  It's a 7K hike with some great swimming holes along the way, should be fun!   Then it's fossil hunting day with Gramps and my sister Lyvia.  We always go swimming at Grand Lake afterwards and of course eat out somewhere.

This week it's Gymnastics camp and I'm working hard :-)


  1. You have had a full summer so far G and a pretty fun one I'd say. When I was a kid summers were spent haying, weeding the garden, getting the wood in for winter, and lots of time to goof off too :-)

  2. Hey Grace. Sounds like you are having an awesome summer! I'm looking forward to reading about your Fundy hike with Gramps and Liv. Love ya, Doreen

  3. Looks like you've been having a fun summer Grace! Your not the only one! I havent been keeping my blog up to date this summer... I will soon get back on track for school :)
    From, Kaitlyn


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