Thursday, July 21, 2011


I am having a terrible week this week!
First on Sunday someone flipped me off of a hammock  and I cut my knee.
On Monday I stepped on a bee and it  stung me!
On Tuesday I stubbed my toe!
on Wednesday  I hurt my toe!
On Thursday I hit my finger on a metal bar!


  1. Now that is a terrible, awful, very bad week! I'm hoping your fingers and toes survive the week. Love this photo of you working on your blog :-)

  2. You're as bad as me, every time I go to do something I wind up with some kind of scrape, cut or bruise. Hope your toes and fingers feel better soon.
    Love Gramps

  3. My poor baby had a hard week..hopefully this week at camp Shiktehawk will go much better!! Love you!

  4. Okay, I'm hoping this week has been going better than last week! I'm having fun checking out your blog and seeing what you're up to Grace.
    Love Doreen

  5. Im glad to Say that I am not hurt any more!
    Yes my week at Shiktehawk was much better!
    I went on the zippline And did many other cool things!I even made a new best friend named Kearstin!
    From Grace!


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