Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Fun

Lyv & I on a ride at the fair
With summer under way now, there are some fun things I'm looking forward to doing.  Like camping with my family and gymnastics camp.  Swimming, sleepovers, the fair and going fossil collecting with Gramps!

Lyv & I with some of the fossils

Gramps, (my Dad's father) took Lyvia and I fossiling a couple of summers ago and we have wanted to go again ever since.  We made a day of it. After collecting some great fossils, we had a picnic lunch and later we went swimming to cool off, it was about the hottest day of that summer!

Then Gramps took us out for supper at McDonalds, we stayed a long time enjoying the air conditioning and the funhouse!  We were exhausted and so was Gramps but what a great time.

note: if you would like to see some of the fossils we collected, my Nanny created some Art Journal pages using a few of the smaller images. You can find 'Imprint' on her blog.


  1. Dear Grace,
    Summer is soooooooo much fun! I cannot wait for the fair to come to our town. What is your favourite part about summer? Mine is camping. I camp ALLLLLLLLLL summer!

  2. Gramps is looking forward to your next great adventures!

  3. Dear Grace,

    So glad to hear you are having a good summer! I am LOVING spending all of my time with Moriah and Mike. We are having a blast playing outside, swimming, going to the park and playing soccer.

    I thought I would let you know that in September, Moriah is going to be joining gymnastics. I see how great you are at it and how much fun you have and I thought that Moriah would like to give it a try. Keep up the hard work!

    Take care,
    ♥ Mrs. Webb-Scheers

  4. Fossil hunting . An adventure for the curious, the strong , willing to climb the highest hills the roughest terrain the valleys and reveens to find that one piece of history that was laid there many moons ago in a great flood of some sort ...... yes , the FOSSIL. i think i'm nuts G. oh well ,it's fun . I'm so looking forwrd to our next adventure trip. See ya gals........ Gramps. ta ta .

  5. @ Kaitlyn,
    My favourite part of summer is going camping and of course going to the Woodstock and Houlton fair!

    From Grace! :-)


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