Friday, December 28, 2012

Cat Spruce Christmas!

We had a great Christmas!  Lots of fun presents in fact I got almost everything on my list, it was a shorter list, but a good one!

Got to tell you about our Christmas tree.  For the second Christmas we decided to go out in the woods and just find a regular tree to use.  This is of all things a Cat Spruce tree!  And there's a good reason they call it 'Cat' spruce, it smells like cat pee at first!  But we had fun just the same and loaded it with all the home made decorations we've made as kids.  If you want to see a video of this little adventure you can find it on facebook here.

There has been lots of family fun gathers on both sides of the family, Thebeau/Graham and Clarks.

To top it all off, we've been doing some skiing and snowboarding at Crabbe Mt.! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Art Fair

Well my toe has healed up nicely and is now growing a new toenail!  You can hardly tell with my pink nail polish on it :-)

Been a busy summer.  Taking in gymnastic camp, working on tumbling four afternoons a week plus Sundays usually.  Developing new skills and improving on the old.

Doing something new this Saturday.  My Grand-mother, Brenda and Aunt Kellie (my Nanny's sister) are going to have a booth in the Dooryard Art Fair on Saturday, Aug 11th.  Gramps suggested Lyvia and I put a few pieces of our art in the fair too, so we are! I have four that I've done and Lyvia and I also did up bookmarks, made from paintings Nanny did on watercolour paper and we cut glue and decorate. They are really pretty and different.

It's was hard finding time to come to Nanny's studio and work with her on some small canvases and bookmarks, but we got it done.  Nanny's helped put the finishing touches to our pieces so I'm pretty pleased with how they are turning out.

The first piece (at the top of this post) is made using insulation foam, kind of looks like ocean coral to me and the second is made using Gorilla Glue and crackle.    Sure hope to see some of you there!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Gimpy toe

This past Thursday was a complete flop. I was supposed to be working on level three skills at gymnastics, but unfortunately I was moving the table vault (a table vault is a piece of equipment we use) and then it ran over my toe. It is three hundred pounds of metal and steel! Now I have a black and blue toe that has cuts and ripped up skin! yuck! I have to soak it now once a day and sometimes elevate it when its really paining (which by the way is pretty much all the time!) Tylenol and Advil and I have become very close friends lol! My mother now calls me  gimpy toe.

I feel super bad for people who are suffering from non-stop pain! Trust me folks, I feel it to! Nanny Wick has been taking good care of my toe, she  prepared a pan of warm water with epson salts in it twice! What would i do without you Nanny!?  So tomorrow when I am at my gymnastics banquet, I will have a gross looking toe! Wish me luck!

Here's a shot of me at the banquet, all that soaking really helped with the pain, I had a pretty good time at the banquet.

Friday, February 3, 2012

weekend workout ideas!

If you are at home on the weekend with nothing to do well try the 2012 workout !
here are the ideas that i came up with for you to try!

1:10 sit ups.

2:10 push ups.

3:try to touch your toes and hold it for a minimum of 30 seconds.

4:do jumping jacks for 1 minute.

5:jog on the spot for one minute.

after this workout you should be pretty tired.try to do this workout once weekly and you'll have big muscles in no time!!!!!!! :* :-)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome 2012!

I can't believe it's a new year and that I've not posted anything new in quite awhile!  I guess with school, gymnastics and other interests it's hard to find the time to add to my blog.

We had a great Christmas, got lots of fun gifts, but my favourite was getting my own cell phone.  I love it!  They had hidden it away until everything else was opened and then I heard this ringing sound :-)  Pictured here is my sister Lyvia who got what she has wanted for a long time, an 'ipod Touch.'  It was a great surprise and a wonderful Christmas.

Then, the biggest surprise of all, was going to Disney in Florida for New Years!  Thanks to my Mom's family we were able to join them including my Grampy Clark.  So much to do and see and enjoy.  It was great and pretty special being there with most of my Mom's family.  My Dad took video of all the fun rides so I don't have pictures to share of those.

Anyway, hope you had a great holiday, I know I did!
Goofy, my fav Disney character